What is a webhook?
Webhooks are a standard method for sending data between different applications and platforms. One platform will be responsible for issuing the notification and the other platform, or app, must be ready to receive the notification.
In our case PayPal is the platform responsible for issuing the notification. It can generate a bunch of webhook notifications for any events that you might be interested in; for example, when someone makes a purchase on your site, when a payment is refused, when a subscription renewal fails etc. One can appreciate how useful this can be, allowing us to execute arbitrary business logic on the back of such events.
But how is this webhook magic achieved? Generally you will need to setup your webhook with the platform (in our case PayPal), which basically means telling PayPal the URL to which they should send this data, once the event occurs. Once PayPal knows the URL to send to we will need to make sure that we have a server endpoint in place, ready to receive the notification event.
Getting started with webhooks
To get started with processing these notifications we first need to tell PayPal where to send the data. We do this by configuring our webhook on the PayPal developer dashboard. You should navigate to the Apps & Credentials section and select the application name of the PayPal application for which you wish to configure the webhook, in our case we are choosing the VectorLogic Demo app.

We navigate to this VectorLogic Demo configuration screen and scroll to the bottom to reveal the Webhooks section, with the option to Add Webhook. When we add a new webhook we only need to define two things:
- which events we want to be notified about, and
- the URL to which the data should be sent, when the event occurs.
For the sake of demonstration we will consider a generic notification endpoint at /pay_pal/notifications
, and this endpoint will process notifications
raised for all events. However, you can see how it is possible to set up multiple webhooks via the PayPal dashboard, where different URLs are exposed to handle a
different subsets of events. Indeed, these endpoints could potentially exist on different servers and even different domains.
But in our case we'll keep it simple: one URL handling all events.

And this is all that is required to get our webhook setup on PayPal. The dashboard will assign a unique ID for the webhook that we have set up. Take a note
of this as we will use this :webhook_id
later in the process.
The PayPal infrastructure will now take care of POSTing data to our server endpoint when any of the specified events occur.
Now we need to actually expose this URL on our server. First we add the new route to our Rails project. In config/routes.rb
we add the following:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
namespace :pay_pal do
resources :notifications, only: [:create]
And we create a new PayPal::NotificationsController
to implement the #create
action that we expose:
class PayPal::NotificationsController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:create]
def create
head :ok
And this is all we really need for our server endpoint, from PayPal's perspective. As PayPal will not be including an CSRF token on the request we should skip
the CSRF checks on create
action. PayPal will POST the event data to our /pay_pal/notifcations
which we have now exposed via routes.rb
. Our controller action just accepts the POSTed data, does nothing, and returns a 200 response.
Once PayPal receives the 200 response it will consider the notification received and will not need to resend the data.
This is an important point and worth an additional remark. As application developers we should be aware that the internet is an unreliable place, sometimes connectivity drops, sometimes servers are offline, in general we need to design for failure. The PayPal webhook system is no different. PayPal will attempt to send the webhook notification; if it receives a 200 response it will know that the notification has been successfully processed and does not need to be resent. If it does not receive a 200 response PayPal will reattempt to resend the notification multiple times, until a successful response is received.
From the docs, [1]:
If your app responds with any other status code, PayPal tries to resend the notification message 25 times over the course of three days.
Presumably the rate of these resends is determined by some form of exponential back-off. In any case, this means that if we fail to process the event at the first attempt we will get another try. This is reassuring, however there is a flip side. Suppose we send our 200 response but PayPal doesn't receive it? Or what if our processing of the event times-out before the response is received by PayPal. In such cases PayPal will send the same event again. We need to be prepared to receive the same notification more than once. Our webhook endpoint should be prepared for such cases and should handle them sensibly.
With that out of the way, let's dig a bit deeper into the processing of our notifications.
Processing webhook events
Our dirt-simple PayPal::NotifcationsController
is good from the PayPal perspective (a speedy 200 response and everyone is happy). However, in the real
world we want to actually process the notification in some way, to benefit our application. This could mean updating the user record in our database,
emailing the user impacted, storing the notification, launching a satellite, whatever.
Typically we will want our webhook endpoint to parse the data received from PayPal and update our system in some way, based on the type of event and the data received.
The structure of the data received from PayPal, on each event, can be inferred from the
API documentation, or you can actually trigger simulated events to your endpoint
using the webhooks simulator. There can be quite a bit included in the notification payload, but
for our purposes we just remark that the POSTed data will include an :id
key, which represents the unique ID which PayPal uses to identify the notification. We
will use this ID in our controller endpoint.
Let's now consider a more useful #create
action; I will provide the code listing first and then break it down in detail after:
class PayPal::NotificationsController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:create]
before_action :ensure_supported_event
def create
unless get_notification
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
head :ok
rescue PayPal::WebhookError => e
Rails.logger.error("Something went wrong")
head :unprocessable_entity
def create_notification
pay_pal_notification_id: params.fetch("id"),
def ensure_supported_event
return if SUPPORTED_EVENTS.include?(params.fetch("event_type"))
head :ok
def verify_notification!
# Implementation to follow
def get_notification
@_notification ||= Payments::PayPal::Notification.where(pay_pal_notification_id: params.fetch("id")).first
Lets pull out a couple of salient aspects of this implementation:
Our webhook has been configured to accept events of all types, but let us now presume that we only want to handle a subset of the
PayPal events in this controller. As a sanity check we maintain a hardcoded list of event types,
, that we wish to process. Abefore_action
is used to to check that theevent_type
on the incoming payload matches the supported events, if we receive an event we do not intend to process we will automatically return a 200 response:def ensure_supported_event return if SUPPORTED_EVENTS.include?(params.fetch("event_type")) head :ok end
Within the
action the first step is to callget_notification
. If this call retrieves the notification from our DB we know that this notification has already been processed and stored, so we automatically return our 200 response. -
Next we call
, which is responsible for ensuring that this notification has really been sent by PayPal and hasn't been tampered with. We will examine this step in more detail shortly. -
We then create the
on our DB and callprocess!
on the instance created. We will gloss over this part as the details will depend upon your specific application and what actions need to be completed in response to each PayPal event. However, we note that each notification will lead to a new instance stored on the DB; an error in creating thePayPal::Notification
or in running theprocess!
method should lead to a customPayPal::WebhookError
being raised. This will cause the enclosing transaction to be rolled-back, and ourPayPal::Notification
will not be persisted. By virtue of this transaction block, and theget_notification
check at the start of the action, we should ensure that we only process each event once, even if we receive it multiple times from PayPal. - Presuming there are no issues we will return a 200 response to PayPal, communicating that the notification has been successfully processed. Otherwise we will return a 422 response.
Verifying a notification
Looking at our PayPal::NotificationsController
you may have noticed that we make no attempt to authenticate the request, after all this
request is not coming from a logged-in user. However, this means that anyone in the whole-wide-internet could POST data to this endpoint.
Indeed, if someone wanted to be nasty they could maliciously mock the data payload we expect from PayPal in the hope that we will unwittingly process their
request and update the payments or subscriptions on our system … or launch a satellite. We need this endpoint to be public so that PayPal can
communicate with us, but how do we protect ourselves against such exploits?
For most webhook-based systems we achieve this by verifying the notification we receive. Some details for how we achieve this are provided by the PayPal docs. This provides some technical details on the verification process, and a Java implementation, but this does not translate easily for our Ruby application.
The first place we might look is for a gem offering PayPal integration. According to this reference the supported
option would be the PayPal-Ruby-SDK. However, if we take a look at the GitHub repo it looks like this project
has been archived, and has not received updates in over 2 years. Concerned about adding a dependency which is no longer being maintained, I preferred to try and
implement this verification by-hand. This turned out to be a little more complicated than I had anticipated, and requiring hands-on usage of a number of different
classes and methods. However, using the details in the PayPal docs and with reference to existing PayPal-Ruby-SDK
I had some pretty comprehensive guide rails. Let's look at how we can verify these PayPal notifications by-hand.
Manual verification
We will create a class to carry out the verification process, PayPal::NotificationVerifier
. We will design the interface to this class so that it can
be easily plugged into the verify_notification!
step in our controller, as follows:
def verify_notification!
cert_url: request.headers.fetch("HTTP_PAYPAL_CERT_URL"),
transmission_time: request.headers.fetch("HTTP_PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_TIME"),
transmission_id: request.headers.fetch("HTTP_PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_ID"),
transmission_sig: request.headers.fetch("HTTP_PAYPAL_TRANSMISSION_SIG"),
payload: request.body.read,
auth_algo: request.headers.fetch("HTTP_PAYPAL_AUTH_ALGO")
We pull a number of values from the request headers, as specified in the PayPal docs.
One of these values, PAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-SIG
, is the actual signature calculated by PayPal before sending the notification. Our goal is to use asymmentric public key
encryption to calculate this signature on our side, and verify that it matches. If our generated signature matches we can be sure that the message originated from PayPal and
has not been tampered with. The values that we pass into our verifier class are:
: The signature as generated by PayPal. We calculate the signature ourselves and verify against this value to ensure they match.PAYPAL-CERT-URL
: The public key certificate that we should use in the verificationPAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-TIME
: Timestamp generated by PayPal representing when the notiifcation is sent outPAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-ID
: A unique ID for this notification- The body of the notification request
: The algorithm used to sign the request.
The class implementation will look like this:
class PayPal::NotificationVerifier
attr_accessor :transmission_id,
def initialize(transmission_id: nil,
transmission_sig: nil,
transmission_time: nil,
cert_url: nil,
payload: nil,
auth_algo: "SHA256")
raise ArgumentError, "Must supply :transmission_id" unless transmission_id
raise ArgumentError, "Must supply :transmission_sig" unless transmission_sig
raise ArgumentError, "Must supply :transmission_time" unless transmission_time
raise ArgumentError, "Must supply :cert_url" unless cert_url
raise ArgumentError, "Must supply :payload" unless payload
@cert_uri = URI.parse(cert_url)
raise Payments::PayPal::WebhookError, "Invalid :cert_url" unless @cert_uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS)
@transmission_time = transmission_time
@transmission_id = transmission_id
@transmission_signature = transmission_sig
@auth_algo = map_algo(auth_algo)
@payload = payload
def verify!
raise PayPal::WebhookError, "Unable to verify message" unless is_valid?
def map_algo(algo)
case algo
when /^SHA256/
raise PayPal::WebhookError, "Unsupported digest algorithm: #{algo}"
def is_valid?
get_cert.public_key.verify(get_digest, signature_base64, signature_input)
def get_cert
return @_cert if @_cert
if !cert_uri.host.match?(/\.paypal\.com$/)
raise PayPal::WebhookError, ":cert_url is not on paypal.com"
data = Net::HTTP.get_response(cert_uri)
@_cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new data.body
def get_digest
def signature_base64
def signature_input
[ transmission_id,
payload_crc32 ].join("|")
def payload_crc32
Our PayPal::NotificationVerifier
initializer will check the presence of all the required parameters and raise an ArgumentError
should any of these be absent.
The one optional parameter is the auth_algo
, which we default to SHA256
. In principle, our PayPal notification
can be signed using other algorithms, but in practice I have only come across the PAYPAL-AUTH-ALGO
header with a value of SHA256withRSA
What's more, I am not sure how other potential values would map to OpenSSL
algorithms. So the map_algo
method will check that the
value passed begins with SHA256
, in which case we will employ the OpenSSL SHA-256 algorithm to generate our signature digest.
If a value for auth_algo
is passed which does not match SHA256
we will raise an error.
During initialization we also check that the cert_url
can be parsed by URI.parse
. If this doesn't return a HTTPS URI we will, again, raise an error.
The public interface for the class is composed of a single method, verify!
. This method will raise an error unless we determine that the signature
passed is valid, and the main work is coordinated in the is_valid?
def is_valid?
get_cert.public_key.verify(get_digest, signature_base64, signature_input)
will retrieve the public key from the cert_uri
and use that to create an instance of OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
Before downloading the public key we do a quick sanity check to ensure that cert_uri
is hosted on paypal.com
, or a subdomain thereof.
We can use the public_key
method on our certificate to retrieve the associated public key, in the form of a
OpenSSL::PKey::RSA. Instances of PKey
expose a
method which we use to check
the signature, that we calculate, against the value passed in on the PayPal notification.
As outlined in the PayPal docs, the input to signature algorithm is constructed from four pipe-delimited components:
def signature_input
[ transmission_id,
payload_crc32 ].join("|")
Here the transmission_id
and transmission_time
are just the exact values passed in the request headers, and the :webhook_id
we recorded previously from the PayPal dashboard - I have opted to store this value in application config for convenience. The final value is payload_crc32
which is a CRC32 digest of the body of the notification request we received. In Ruby we can
calculate this digest as follows:
This signature_input
can be considered as the document that has been signed. We will create a digest of this document using the algorithm indicated in the PayPal
request header (i.e. SHA-256). The OpenSSL::Digest
class provides us
the necessary tools for the job. With this digest calculated we can finally run the verify
check on the OpenSSL::PKey::RSA
; this requires that we
pass the message digest, the signature value transmitted by PayPal in the request (but in base-64 encoded form) along with the signature_input
calculating the digest. This method call will return a true
or false
value, and will untimately dictate if our
passes, or if it raises an error.
And that's it! It wasn't quick, but we finally got there.
Verify via API
So after doing this by-hand I got to thinking that this was quite an involved process for what must be a common PayPal integration requirement. Things would have been easier if we had just incorporated the PayPal-Ruby-SDK gem, but who wants to use an unmaintained dependency? However, after a second look over the PayPal docs, it seemed that there was another way.
The webhook API docs reveal that PayPal offers an endpoint where you can POST the details of the notification you have received and the API will verify the notification for you. Simple as that.
This is probably the preferred method, as it doesn't require that we get down-and-dirty with the OpenSSL
classes. This also plugs that auth_algo
hole, where we are basically assuming that the algorithm will always be SHA256withRSA
. However, it does present its own drawbacks.
For example, we will need to do some additional work to request an OAuth token before calling the verify-webhook-signature
API endpoint, and
each of these calls does represent an additional network roundtrip. But all this being said, had I encountered this API endpoint first I may well have opted to
verify the PayPal notifications in this manner.
In this post we discussed some of the technicalities with integrating a Rails application with PayPal webhook notifications. We provided code samples demonstarting how this could be achieved and we walked through the details of manually verifying the PayPal notification, to ensure the integrity of the messages we are processing.
I hope you found this useful. If you have any feedback or comments please let me know in the comments section.
- Getting started with PayPal webhooks
- AWS for Aerospace
- PayPal docs for webhook events
- A webhook simulator offered by PayPal
- PayPal Ruby SDK
- Using PayPal API to verify a notification
- OpenSSL::X509::Certificate ruby implementation
- OpenSSL::PKey ruby library
- OpenSSL::PKey::RSA ruby class
- Wiki entry for CRC
- Zlib::crc32 method in ruby
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